Monday, April 23, 2012

The Big Miss

So... I did it.  I bought Hank Haney's book "The Big Miss" and I am extremely excited to start reading it.  I, like everyone else, have heard all the controversy surrounding the book so I am excited to see if there is any truth to it or if it is all the ramblings of people who would rather judge first and gather facts later.  My gut feeling, Hank's book will provide a unique look into the mind of one of the greatest players to ever play the game of golf and will have a pull no punches approach to his thoughts on Tiger and his game.  Have you read it?  What were your thoughts?  Ill post updates as I reach certain parts in the book to see if my gut feeling is right.

Many people have said that Hank Haney crossed a line by writing the book, I don't agree.  Hank has every right to tell his side of the relationship and put into words the memories that were created in his time with Tiger.  Why should he have to keep those private if he chooses not to?  It is not like Hank is giving everyone the secrets that have made Tiger so good for so many years.  If Hank was trying to pull back the curtain on the Wizard of Oz or give a how-to about some illusion from David Copperfield, I could understand the backlash a bit more but he is simply talking about the time he spent with Tiger and as I fan of both of them, I want to know as much as I can.

I choose to buy the book because I appreciate what Hank Haney was able to accomplish with Tiger Woods and as a fan of the game of golf I want to see how they prepared each day for the important moments in their careers and this book gives me the rare opportunity to see aspects of what it takes to be great that most people wont get the chance to see.  I'm excited to begin reading the book and see what all the hype was about, justified or not.  

I have lots of opinions.  You may not agree with them, or may want to argue with me about them, and that is perfectly fine!  Even encouraged.  These are thoughts that are "just in my mind" that I have decided to put down in words as well.  Feel free to comment on any post or take it to twitter and follow @JustinRolfes.

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